Google App Engine Backends with Andriod Client Step by step Tutorial

The Git Repository

This Project contains 3 Backends which are deployed in google app engine.

Say Version 1 contains java servlet backend

Say Version 2 contains endpoints backend

Say Version 3 contains google cloud messaging backend


For more information about Google App Engine for Java, check out the App Engine documentation.

To learn more about Google Cloud Endpoints, see Cloud Endpoints documentation.

Similarly, for more information about Google Cloud Messaging, see Cloud Messaging documentation.

All these backends are called from android app in onCreate of main activity java .

    //Servlet Call
    new ServletPostAsyncTask().execute(new Pair<Context, String>(this, "Ajay Ramesh"));

    //Endpoint call
    new EndpointsAsyncTask().execute(new Pair<Context, String>(this, "Ajay Ramesh "));

    //Gcm Registration
    new GcmRegistrationAsyncTask(this).execute();

Todos to work for your app ..

1.Change the applicationid in following java class files




2.Change the SENDER_ID in file

3.Add the GCM key to appengine-web.xml \Google-Cloud-App\gcm-backend\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\appengine-web.xml

7 thoughts on “Google App Engine Backends with Andriod Client Step by step Tutorial”

  1. I am doing my ms thesis and want to connect android application with google app engine .I am facing alot of issues will you guide me.I googled a lot and finally i got your blog.I need your help.Please guide me

  2. Sir,I am being given this error everytime i rebuild my project

    “Error:Execution failed for task ‘:backend:appengineEndpointsGetClientLibs’-:
    There was an error running endpoints command get-client-lib: connect-timed-out”.

    I do not have a network problem.How should i solve it?

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